From 4 July 2020 to 30 August 2020, the Summer School of the International Lieven Piano Foundation will take place in Vienna.

The venue is the dormitory in the heart of the city on Johannesgasse 8 (OEJAB-Haus).

Eight selected scholarship holders take part in numerous masterclasses of renowned piano teachers for eight weeks. The accommodation and courses are free of charge for the participants.

Antonio Vivaldi Hall in the OEJAB House, Johannesgasse 8, 1010 Vienna

As scholarship holders are currently invited:

Julian Trevelyan (UK)

Nour Ayadi (Morocco)

Didel Bish (The Netherlands)

José Navarro Silberstein (Bolivia)

Arash Rokni (Iran)

Raúl Canosa  (Spain)

Barbare Tataradze (Georgia)

Zheyu (Crystal) Jiang (China)

Volha Karmyzava (Belarus)

Anton Gerzenberg (Germany)

Mikhail Krasnenker (Russia)

Federico Pulina (Italy)

Ádám Balogh (Hungary)

The following master classes have been announced so far:

06.-08. July 2020: Lilya Zilberstein

09.-14. July 2020: Andreas Staier

15.-19. July 2020: Alexei Volodin

20.-24. July 2020: Davide Cabassi

27.-29. July 2020: Jean-Marc Luisada

01.–10. August 2020: Alon Goldstein

17.-19. August 2020: Jura Margulis

21.-23. August 2020: Konstantin Lifschitz

24.-26. August 2020: Claudio Martínez-Mehner

27.-30. August 2020: Ferenc Rados and Rita Wagner

27.-30. August 2020: Ferenc Rados und Rita Wagner